Unless you have the correct knowledge, getting you print project print ready, is by far the most frustrating part of the whole process, so why don’t you let our Graphic design team help to make your design print ready.
You can spend hours on trying to get your project to look great, or you can chat to us, so that we can instruct you on how to set up your brief, so that we can get your project designed quickly and most effectively. We will always provide you with a low-rez proof before we go to print, which you should check really carefully. Remember once you have given us the “proceed to print” instruction, we go ahead with your work really fast, and are unable to make changes once the ink is on the substrate!!
Logo’s are pictures are one of the areas where our clients have most of their problems. Remember that pictures that you have taken off the web are low rez (72dpi) and will not print well. They will look pixelated and you will not be happy with the result. We will try to warn you if the images are not good, but if you supply the artwork, we would expect that the work is “good to go”, and will get cracking with your work, warts and all!!
Many of your clients have low resolution logo’s, which again, will not print well. We can copy your old low-res logo and turn it into a high res or vectorised image, which can be used on all your collateral if you need this to happen. Once you have the vectorised image, you can use this for anything, and almost any size, and it will print perfectly. We will have to quote you for getting this done, and the quote will depend on the complexity of the logo, but give us a call and we can have a look at your logo and see how long it will take us.