Gold Coast Printers

Gold Coast Printers

We started in 2010.

When we did the research into starting up a printing business , it may have been crazy, but we decided that we would get into printing Gold Coast and were determined to become one of the best Gold Coast Printers that there are in South East Queensland.

We soon found out that the printing business that we visited, were run by owner operators, and generally one or two assistants. The businesses that were in high rental areas were not really profitable, and were making around $80K per annum, and were copy shops. These print businesses, were really digital copy shops, so they were dealing with lots of small transactions, so a photocopy of this, or one or two of those.

Officeworks, are really well setup to be able to handle these types of transactions, so we decided that we would fit ourselves between the large offset printers, and the high street copy shops.

Digital printing, based on service

As we had come from a retail environment, where you lived and died on the level of service that you provided, we decided to set up our printing business, with a really high level of service, as we found this was lacking when we did test calls into other locally based Gold Coast Printers, most Gold Coast Printers were really not interested to speak to us.  We started our business in our garage, as we were able to avoid the very high rentals that are charged by the big shopping centers like Westfield  – very briefly for premises.

The learning curve to run the printing business, was steep, as I had no background in print manufacturing. I also had to learn how to lay up work, so did a crash course on Indesign, where I learned quickly how to lay up work most efficiently for printing.

We have come a long way since we decided on becoming a printing company and decided to become one of the many Gold Coast Printers that are found in our neck of the woods. We believe that we are now one of the top printers in our niche, and look forward to servicing  your printing needs when we are required.

To contact us, nip over to, as we would love to chat to you, or give Guy a call on 0421 840 465

If you would like to view our core services:

Digital print



